

We were all quite saddened to have to cancel our in-person RailsConf 2020 in Portland due to the spread of COVID-19 (more info below). Nothing can fully substitute for the conference experience. That said, we're delighted to announce that we've engaged several original RailsConf 2020 speakers -- including multiple keynoters -- to record video versions of their talks.

That full slate of videos is below for you to browse and watch at your leisure, from the comfort of your couch! Videos will be featured at railsconf.com through Summer 2020, but as you find your favorites that you want to return to, be sure to bookmark the specific video page URLs, as those will be live indefinitely. If you have questions on anything here, you can always reach us at railsconf@rubycentral.org; otherwise, happy viewing!

Click here for more info on our decision to cancel RailsConf 2020.


  • 小马出墙最新版破解版

    David is the creator of Ruby on Rails, founder & CTO at Basecamp (formerly 37signals), best-selling author, Le Mans class-winning racing driver, public speaker, hobbyist photographer, and family man.

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  • 小马出墙最新版破解版

    Eileen Uchitelle is a Staff Software Engineer on the Ruby Architecture Team at GitHub and a member of the Rails Core team. She's an avid contributor to open source focusing on the Ruby on Rails framework and its dependencies. Eileen is passionate about scalability, performance, and making open source communities more sustainable and welcoming.

  • 小马出墙最新版破解版

    Aaron is on the Ruby core team, the Rails core team, and the team that takes care of his cat, Gorby puff. During the day he works for a small technology company.

    Someday he will find the perfect safety gear to wear while extreme programming.

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